Take Great Cell Phone Photos Part 2

Real Estate Edition

Part 2, Lenses

In the first part of this series we talked about the importance of using a tripod. This time we will be discussing lenses and lens adapters.

The next item needed is an ultra wide angle lens. Until a couple years ago phones weren’t manufactured with a built in wide angle lens. LG was the first in 2016 and the iPhone 11 was Apple’s first offering in 2019. Now many manufacturers have models with ultra wide lenses. The proper focal length for most interiors is 15 – 17 mm (35mm Equivelant). The standard lens on most phones is 23 – 28 mm with the ultra wide’s coming in around 13 -18 mm. Compare the photos below.

Both of these photos were taken from the same location. Notice how much more of the room is visible with the ultra wide lens. The standard lens has too narrow a field of view to show your buyer a true representation of the space.

shallow focus photo of smartphone clip lens
Lens Adapter

If your phone doesn’t come with an ultra wide lens you can purchase a wide angle adapter to go over your standard lens to achieve the proper focal length. Any time you add an adapter you may be reducing the light coming into the camera. Low quality adapters can also have some distortion that may not be noticed until the photos are viewed on a monitor. The better option is to use a phone with a built in ultra wide lens. You know you want to buy a new phone.

When looking for adapters be sure not to get a fisheye lens. You want an adapter that says it provides somewhere between 0.4x and 0.6x magnification. I have included Amazon links to a couple options that I found. I have not personally used any of these and cannot verify the quality of them. I’m just trying to help you avoid some that would not be correct. Option # 1 wide angle only, Option #2 comes with a Macro lens as well as a Fisheye lens. DO NOT use the Fisheye lens for Real Estate. There are many more options available, this is only 2 that I found.

If you decide that taking your own Real Estate Photos is not for you, and you’re in the Hernando, Citrus or N. Pasco County area, contact me and we can discuss your needs.

I told you this one would be shorter. Next time we will be discussing Composition. That will be over several posts. There is a lot to cover.